Biomedical Engineering Department


Assist. Prof. Dr. ERSIN EMRE OREN

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology Engineering
TOBB University of Economics and Technology

Sogutozu Cad. No: 43,
Sogutozu, Ankara, 06560 TURKEY
phone: +90 (312) 292-4514 (office); +90 (312) 292-4585 (lab)
fax: +90 (312) 292-4091
Ersin Emre Oren
Bionanodesign Research Highlights


59 listed: 45 articles, 7 proceedings, 5 meeting abstracts & 2 theses;
As of May 2024;   Science Citation Index: Total # of citations: 1758, h-index: 23
                          Google Scholars: Total # of citations: 2639, h-index: 25; i10-index: 32

Journal Articles (Indexed by SCI)

IJOS IJOS IJOS Soft Matter Advanced Materials MRS Bulletin

  1. Z. Aminiranjbar, C. Akin Gultakti, M. N. Alangari, Y. Wang, B. Demir, Z. Koker, A. K. Das, M. P. Anantram, E.E. Oren & J. Hihath. “Identifying SARS-CoV-2 Variants Using Single-Molecule Conductance Measurements” ACS Sensors, , (2024). doi:10.1021/acssensors.3c02734
  2. B. Demir, C. Akin Gultaktı, Z. Koker, M. P. Anantram & E.E. Oren. “Electronic Properties of DNA Origami Nanostructures Revealed by In Silico Calculations” ACS J. Phys. Chem. B, 128, 4646-4654 (2024). doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.4c00445
  3. B. Liu, B. Demir, C. Akin Gultaktı, J. Marrs, Y. Gong, R. Li, E.E. Oren & J. Hihath. “Self-aligning nanojunctions for integrated single-molecule circuits” ACS Nano,18, 4972 (2024). doi:10.1021/acsnano.3c10844
  4. * Cover.
  5. L. Luo, S. Manda, Y. Park, B. Demir, J. Sanchez, M. P. Anantram, E.E. Oren, A. Gopinath & M. Rolandi. “DNA nanopores as artificial membrane channels for bioprotonics” Nature Communications,14, 5364 (2023). doi:10.1038/s41467-023-40870-1
  6. B. Demir, H. Mohammad, M. P. Anantram & E.E. Oren. “DNA - Au (111) interactions and transverse charge transport properties for DNA - based electronic devices” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25, 16570-16577 (2023). doi:10.1039/D2CP05009A
  7. Y. Wang, B. Demir, H. Mohammad, E.E. Oren & M. P. Anantram. “Computational study of the role of counterions and solvent dielectric in determining the conductance of b-DNA” Physical Review E, 107, 044404 (2023). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.107.044404
  8. M. Alangari, B. Demir, C. Akin Gultakti, E.E. Oren & J. Hihath. “Mapping DNA Conformations Using Single-Molecule Conductance Measurements” Biomolecules, 13(1), 129 (2023). doi:10.3390/biom13010129
  9. T.O. Ogurtani, A. Celik & E.E. Oren. “Effects of anisotropic surface drift diffusion on the strained heteroepitaxial nanoislands subjected to electromigration stressing” Journal of Applied Physics, 131, 075301 (2022). doi:10.1063/5.0067760
  10. H. Mohammad, B. Demir, C. Akin, B. Luan, J. Hihath, E.E. Oren & M.P. Anantram "Role of intercalation in the electrical properties of nucleic acids for use in molecular electronics"Nanoscale Horizons, 6 (8), 651-660 (2021). doi:10.1039/D1NH00211B
  11. * Cover.
  12. Y. Li, J.M. Artés, B. Demir, S. Gokce, H.M. Mohammad, M. Alangari, M.P. Anantram, E.E. Oren & J. Hihath “Detection and identification of genetic material via single-molecule conductance” Nature Nanotechnology, 13, 1167-1173 (2018). doi:10.1038/s41565-018-0285-x
  13. E. Kayali, E. Mercan, E.E. Oren & G.C. Buke “Few layer graphene synthesis via SiC decomposition at low temperature and low vacuum” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49, 165301 (2016). doi:10.1088/0022-3727/49/16/165301
  14. H. Yazici, M.B. O'Neill, T. Kacar, B.R. Wilson, E.E. Oren, M. Sarikaya & C. Tamerler “Engineered chimeric peptides as antimicrobial surface coating agents towards infection-free implants” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (8), 5070-5081 (2016). doi:10.1021/acsami.5b03697
  15. H. Erdogan, E. Babur, M. Yilmaz, E. Candas, M. Goerdesel, Y. Dede, E.E. Oren, G. Demirel, M. Ozturk & G. Demirel “Morphological versatility in self-assembly of Val-Ala and Ala-Val dipeptides” Langmuir, 31, 7337-7345 (2015). doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b01406
  16. T.O. Ogurtani, A. Celik & E.E. Oren. “Stranski-Krastanow islanding initiated on the stochastic rough surfaces of the epitaxially strained thin films” Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 224307 (2014). doi:10.1063/1.4883295
  17. H. Yazıcı, H. Fong, B. Wilson, E.E. Oren, F.A. Amos, H. Zhang, K.S. Evans, M.L. Snead, M. Sarikaya & C. Tamerler. “Biological response on a titanium implant-grade surface functionalized with modular peptides” Acta Biomaterialia, 9, 5341-5352 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2012.11.004
  18. M. Gungormus, E.E. Oren, J.A. Horst, H. Fong, M. Hnilova, M.J. Somerman, M.L. Snead, R. Samudrala, C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya. “Cementomimetics-constructing a cementum-like biomineralized microlayer via amelogenin-derived peptides” International Journal of Oral Science, 4, 69-77 (2012). doi:10.1038/ijos.2012.40
  19. * Cover.
  20. S. Cetinel, S. Dincer, A. Cebeci, E.E. Oren, J.D. Whitaker, D.T. Schwartz, N.G. Karaguler, M. Sarikaya & C. Tamerler. “Peptides to bridge biological-platinum materials interface” Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials, 1, 143-153 (2012). doi:10.1680/bbn.12.00008
  21. M. Hnilova, C.R. So, E.E. Oren, B.R. Wilson, T. Kacar, C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya. “Peptide-directed co-assembly of nanoprobes on multimaterial patterned solid surfaces” Soft Matter, 8, 4327-4334 (2012). doi:10.1039/c2sm06426j
  22. * Back Cover.
  23. O. Akyildiz, E.E. Oren & T.O. Ogurtani. “Grain boundary grooving in bi-crystal thin films induced by surface drift-diffusion driven by capillary forces and applied uniaxial-tensile stresses” Philosophical Magazine, 92, 804-829 (2012). doi:10.1080/14786435.2011.634850
  24. M. Hnilova, D. Khatayevich, A. Carlson, E.E. Oren, C. Gresswell, S. Zheng, F. Ohuchi, M. Sarikaya & C. Tamerler. “Single-Step Fabrication of Patterned Gold Film Array by an Engineered Multi-Functional Peptide” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 365, 97-102 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2011.09.006
  25. O. Akyildiz, E.E. Oren & T.O. Ogurtani. “Mesoscopic nonequilibrium thermodynamics treatment of the grain boundary thermal grooving induced by the anisotropic surface drift diffusion” Journal of Materials Science, 46, 6054-6064 (2011). doi:10.1007/s10853-011-5567-8
  26. E.E. Oren, R. Notman, I.W. Kim, J.S. Evans, T.R. Walsh, R. Samudrala, C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya. “Probing the molecular mechanisms of quartz-binding peptides” Langmuir, 26, 11003-11009 (2010). doi:10.1021/la100049s
  27. T.O. Ogurtani, A. Celik & E.E. Oren. “Generic role of the anisotropic surface free energy on the morphological evolution in a strained-heteroepitaxial solid droplet on rigid substrates” Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 103516 (2010). doi:10.1063/1.3512970
  28. R. Notman, E.E. Oren, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, R. Samudrala & T. R. Walsh. “Solution studies of strong and weak quartz-binding peptides using replica exchange molecular dynamics” Biomacromolecules, 11, 3266-3274 (2010). doi:10.1021/bm100646z
  29. T.O. Ogurtani, A. Celik & E.E. Oren. “Morphological evolution in a strained-heteroepitaxial solid droplet on a rigid substrate: Dynamical simulations” Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 063527 (2010). doi:10.1063/1.3483937
  30. * Editorially chosen to appear in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology September 27, 2010.
  31. A. Dezieck, O. Acton, K. Leong, E.E. Oren, H. Ma, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya & A.K.-Y. Jen. “Threshold voltage control in organic thin film transistors with dielectric layer modified by a genetically engineered polypeptide” Applied Physics Letters, 97, 013307(2010). doi:10.1063/1.3459978
  32. C. Tamerler, D. Khatayevich, M. Gungormus, T. Kacar, E.E. Oren, M. Hnilova & M. Sarikaya. “Molecular biomimetics: Gepi-based biological routes to technology” Biopolymers: Peptide Science, 94, 78-94 (2010). doi:10.1002/bip.21368
  33. C.R. So, J.L. Kulp, E.E. Oren, H. Zareie, C. Tamerler, J.S. Evans & M. Sarikaya. “Molecular recognition and supramolecular self-assembly of a genetically engineered gold binding peptide on Au{111}” ACS Nano, 3, 1525-1531 (2009). doi:10.1021/nn900171s
  34. T. Kacar, J. Ray, M. Gungormus, E.E. Oren, C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya. “Quartz binding peptides used as linkers for making multi-(bio)functional micro-patterned systems” Advanced Materials, 21, 295-299 (2009). doi:10.1002/adma.200801877
  35. * Front inside cover.
  36. M. Hnilova, E.E. Oren, U.O.S. Seker, B. Wilson, S. Collino, J.S. Evans, C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya. “Effect of molecular conformations on adsorption behavior of gold binding peptides” Langmuir, 24, 12440-12445(2008). doi:10.1021/la801468c
  37. T.O. Ogurtani, O. Akyildiz & E.E. Oren. “Morphological evolution of tilted grain-boundary thermal grooving by surface diffusion in bicrystal thin solid films having strong anisotropic surface Gibbs free energy” Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 013518 (2008). doi:10.1063/1.2952520
  38. J.S. Evans, R. Samudrala, T. Walsh, E.E. Oren & C. Tamerler. “The molecular design of inorganic-binding polypeptides” MRS Bulletin, 33, (5) 514-518 (2008). (Cover designed by EEO) doi:10.1557/mrs2008.103
  39. * Cover.
  40. E.E. Oren, C. Tamerler, D. Sahin, M. Hnilova, U.O.S. Seker, M. Sarikaya & R. Samudrala. “A novel knowledge-based approach to design inorganic-binding peptides” Bioinformatics, 23, (21), 2816-2822 (2007). doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm436
  41. T.O. Ogurtani, A. Celik & E.E. Oren. “Morphological evolution of edge-hillocks on single crystal films having anisotropic drift-diffusion under the capillary and electromigration forces” Thin Solid Films, 515 (5), 2974-2983 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2006.08.020
  42. U.O.S. Seker, B. Wilson, S. Dincer, I.W. Kim, E.E. Oren, J.S. Evans, C. Tamerler, & M. Sarikaya. “Adsorption behavior of linear and cyclic genetically engineered platinum binding peptides” Langmuir, 23, 7895-7900 (2007). doi:10.1021/la700446g
  43. C. Tamerler, M. Duman, E.E. Oren, M. Gungormus, X. Xiong, B.A. Parviz & M. Sarikaya. “Materials specificity and directed assembly of a gold binding peptide” Small, 2 (11), 1372-1378 (2006). doi:10.1002/smll.200600070
  44. C. Tamerler, E.E. Oren, M. Duman, E. Venkatasubramanian & M. Sarikaya. “Adsorption kinetics of an engineered gold binding peptide by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and a quartz crystal microbalance” Langmuir, 22, 7712-7718 (2006). doi:10.1021/la0606897
  45. E.E. Oren, C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya. “Metal recognition of septapeptides via polypod molecular architecture” Nano Letters, 5 (3), 415-419 (2005). doi:10.1021/nl048425x
  46. T.O. Ogurtani & E.E. Oren. “Irreversible thermodynamics of triple junctions during the intergranular void motion under the electromigration forces” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42 (13), 3918-3952 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2004.11.013
  47. T.O. Ogurtani & E.E. Oren. “Electromigration-induced void grain-boundary interactions: the mean time to failure for copper interconnects with bamboo and near-bamboo structures” Journal of Applied Physics, 96 (12), 7246-7253 (2004). doi:10.1063/1.1815389
  48. A. Kalkanli & E.E. Oren. “Effect of spraying rate on microstructure of spray deposited Al-Fe-V-Si alloy” Powder Metallurgy, 46 (4), 324-328 (2003). doi:10.1179/003258903225008571
  49. T.O. Ogurtani, M.R. Gungor & E.E. Oren. “Simulation of dislocation damping spectra associated with the collective motion of point defects and kink chain subjected to the bulk segregation” Journal of Applied Physics, 91 (4), 1860-1870 (2002). doi:10.1063/1.1429769
  50. T.O. Ogurtani & E.E. Oren. “Computer simulation of void growth dynamics under the action of electromigration and capillary forces in narrow thin interconnects” Journal of Applied Physics, 90 (3), 1564-1572 (2001). doi:10.1063/1.1382835
  51. E.E. Oren & A.C. Tas. “Hydrothermal synthesis of pure & Dy doped BaTiO3 powders at 90 °C” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 30, 1089-93 (1999). doi:10.1007/s11663-999-0115-5
  52. E.E. Oren, E. Taspinar & A.C. Tas. “Preparation of lead zirconate (PbZrO3) by homogeneous precipitation and calcinations” Journal of American Ceramic Society, 80 (10), 2714-2716 (1997). doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.1997.tb03181.x
  1. R. Samudrala, E.E. Oren, C. Cheng, J. Horst, B. Bernard, M. Gungormus, M. Hnilova, H. Fong, C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya. “Knowledge-based design of inorganic-binding peptides” The FNANO08 Conference Proceedings, 75-80 (2008).
  2. T.O. Ogurtani, M.R. Gungor & E.E. Oren. “Interactive computer simulation of dislocation damping spectra associated with the coupled motion of geometric kinks and point defects subjected to the bulk segregation phenomenon” Solid State Phenomena, 89, 141-190 (2003).
  3. E.E. Oren & T.O. Ogurtani. “Void intergranular motion under the action of electromigration forces in thin film interconnects with bamboo structure” MRS Symp. Proc., 695, 209-215 (2002).
  4. E.E. Oren & T.O. Ogurtani. “The effect of initial void configuration on the morphological evolution under the action of normalized electron wind forces” MRS Symp. Proc., 714E, L9.2.1-L9.2.6 (2001).
  5. T.O. Ogurtani & E.E. Oren, “A computer simulation of void dynamics under the action of electromigration and capillary forces in narrow thin interconnects” Advanced Metallization Conference, 16, 483-487 (2000).
  6. E.E. Oren & A.C. Tas. “Hydrothermal synthesis of pure and Dy:BaTiO3 powders at 90°C, the sintering behavior and microstructures of Dy:BaTiO3 powders heated on Ti-strips” Dielectric Ceramic Materials: Ceramic Transactions (Wiley-Am. Ceram. Soc.), 100, 95-104 (1999).
  7. E.E. Oren & A.C. Tas. “Preparation of piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate (PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3) powders by homogeneous precipitation and calcinations” Dielectric Ceramic Materials: Ceramic Transactions (Wiley-Am. Ceram. Soc.), 100, 105-114 (1999).
Meeting Abstracts
  1. M. Gungormus, H. Fong, E.E. Oren, C. Tamerler, M. Somerman & M. Sarikaya. “Cementum-analogs using hydroxyapatite binding peptides: Toward periodontal regeneration” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 237, 25-NANO (2009).
  2. R. Samudrala, E.E. Oren, C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya. “In silico design of solid binding peptides as molecular building blocks in technology and medicine ” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 237, 32-NANO (2009).
  3. T. Kacar, J. Ray, M. Gungormus, E.E. Oren, C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya. “Quartz binding peptides as molecular linkers for co-assembling nanoentities on multifunctional micropatterned substrates ” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 237, 13-NANO (2009).
  4. A. Sert, N.G. Karaguler, D. Sahin, E.E. Oren, M. Sarikaya & C. Tamerler. “Construction and expression of a bi-functional peptide by using genetic engineering methods for bionanotechnologies” FEBS Journal, 275, 372-372 (2008).
  5. A. Sert, N.G. Karaguler, D. Sahin, E.E. Oren, M. Sarikaya & C. Tamerler. “Construction and expression of a bi-functional peptide by using genetic engineering methods for bionanotechnologies” FEBS Journal, 275, 372-372 (2008).
  1. E.E. Oren. “Computer simulation of electromigration induced void – grain boundary interactions with a special reference to the prediction of cathode failure times in bamboo structures” Ph. D. Thesis, Middle East Technical University, January 2003.
  2. E.E. Oren. “Electromigration – induced transgranular void motion in interconnects with special reference to computer simulation” M. Sc. Thesis, Middle East Technical University, September 2000.